Hello, this is FRRouting (version 9.1.1).
Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.

route-views.eqix.routeviews.org> terminal length 0
route-views.eqix.routeviews.org> show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 1235199
Paths: (20 available, best #18, table default)
  Not advertised to any peer
  3320 29670 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 3320:1276 3320:2010 3320:9010 9002:65535 29670:1 33891:15001 50629:42300
      Large Community: 57555:1901:100 57555:1901:101
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 04:06:53 2024
  57695 60068 174 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 174:21101 174:22005 917:55001 57695:13000 60068:201 60068:2000 60068:2010 60068:7330
      Large Community: 31142:34927:0
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:03:08 2024
  11039 6461 1299 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 6461:5997
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:02:13 2024
  6830 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 6830:13000 6830:15352 6830:19050 6830:23001 6830:33104
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:02:12 2024
  3257 13237 34568 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 3257:4000 3257:8794 3257:50001 3257:50110 3257:54900 3257:54901
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:12:48 2024
  17350 1299 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 1299:5000 17350:5000 17350:5125
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:54 2024
  17350 1299 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 1299:5000 17350:5000 17350:5125
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:53 2024
  16552 1299 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 1299:30000 16552:9100 16552:10500 16552:20840 16552:40011
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:40 2024
  6057 34927 21158 from (
      Origin EGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 6057:1002 6057:33547 6057:40760
      Extended Community: RT:6057:6057
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:39 2024
  398465 174 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:37 2024
  293 3320 29670 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 1, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:20 2024
  6079 6830 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:18 2024
  19151 174 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:17 2024
  8220 1299 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 1299:30000 8220:1299 8220:64006 8220:65001 8220:65257 8220:65400
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:16 2024
  41095 1273 29670 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:14 2024
  49544 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 7200, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 0:1031 34927:122 34927:9310 34927:9401 34927:9412 34927:9652 49544:24000 49544:24044
      Large Community: 31142:34927:0
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:03 2024
  199524 1299 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:00:41 2024
  6939 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, best (AS Path), rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:48 2024
  40934 174 34927 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:26 2024
  2914 5405 29670 21158 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 14501, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 2914:410 2914:1205 2914:2204 2914:3200 5405:1 5405:15 5405:208 5405:3003 5405:4004 9002:65535 29670:1 33891:15001 50629:42300
      Large Community: 57555:1901:100 57555:1901:101
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:22 2024
route-views.eqix.routeviews.org> show bgp ipv6 unicast 2001:678:de0::/48
BGP routing table entry for 2001:678:de0::/48, version 251438
Paths: (17 available, best #13, table default)
  Not advertised to any peer
  57695 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6939:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:5:7695:1 (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 917:55001 24115:6939 24115:24115 24115:65023 57695:12000
      Large Community: 24115:1000:2 24115:1001:1 24115:1002:1 24115:1003:1 24115:1004:6939
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:53 2024
  3320 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::3320:2 from 2001:504:0:2::3320:2 (
    (fe80::ca9c:1dff:fee9:3c07) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 3320:1840 3320:2020 3320:9020
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 04:32:02 2024
  293 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::293:1 from 2001:504:0:2::293:1 (
      Origin IGP, metric 1, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:01:29 2024
  19151 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2:0:1:9151:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:1:9151:1 (
    (fe80::aec:f5ff:fe57:45cc) (used)
      Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:00:39 2024
  2914 5405 29670 21158
    2001:504:0:2::2914:1 from 2001:504:0:2::2914:1 (
    (fe80::4e6d:58ff:fe04:c568) (used)
      Origin IGP, metric 14501, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 2914:410 2914:1205 2914:2204 2914:3200 5405:1 5405:15 5405:208 5405:3003 5405:4004 29670:1
      Large Community: 57555:1901:100 57555:1901:101
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:00:28 2024
  11039 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6939:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:1:1039:1 (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:00:08 2024
  49544 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2:0:4:9544:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:4:9544:1 (
    (fe80::f27c:c7ff:feaf:5f85) (used)
      Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 49544:14000 49544:14151 65040:0 65060:11
      Large Community: 64216:1002:3682 64216:1900:0 64216:1903:11
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 02:00:07 2024
  16552 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2:0:1:6552:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:1:6552:1 (
    (fe80::4a5a:dff:fe45:e88a) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 16552:9150 16552:10500 16552:20840 16552:40011
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:38 2024
  6057 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6939:1 from 2001:504:0:2::6057:1 (
      Origin EGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 6057:1002 6057:33323 6057:48401
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:27 2024
  8220 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6939:1 from 2001:504:0:2::8220:1 (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 8220:65001 8220:65257 8220:65401
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:26 2024
  17350 3356 30962 34568 21158
    2001:504:0:2:0:1:7350:2 from 2001:504:0:2:0:1:7350:2 (
    (fe80::f6bf:a8ff:fe36:f9f3) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 3356:2 3356:22 3356:100 3356:123 3356:501 3356:601 3356:903 3356:2069 3356:5000 17350:5000 17350:5123
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:26 2024
  199524 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6939:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:19:9524:1 (
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:24 2024
  6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6939:1 from 2001:504:0:2::6939:1 (
    (fe80::4288:2fff:febd:6c0b) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, best (AS Path), rpki validation-state: not found
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:24 2024
  398465 6939 21158
    2001:504:0:2:0:39:8465:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:39:8465:1 (
    (fe80::a05:e2ff:fefc:101f) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 1006:1919
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:21 2024
  6830 34927 21158
    2001:504:0:2::6830:1 from 2001:504:0:2::6830:1 (
    (fe80::222:83ff:fef4:efc0) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 6830:13000 6830:15352 6830:23001 6830:33104
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:18 2024
  17350 2914 5405 29670 21158
    2001:504:0:2:0:1:7350:1 from 2001:504:0:2:0:1:7350:1 (
    (fe80::f6bf:a8ff:fe21:607) (used)
      Origin IGP, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 2914:5000 17350:5000 17350:5123
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:17 2024
  3257 33891 34927 21158
    2001:504:0:2::3257:1 from 2001:504:0:2::3257:1 (
    (fe80::cee1:9400:638c:c667) (used)
      Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external, rpki validation-state: not found
      Community: 3257:4000 3257:8052 3257:50001 3257:50110 3257:54900 3257:54901 no-peer
      Last update: Fri Oct 18 01:59:14 2024
route-views.eqix.routeviews.org> show ip bgp regexp 21158_
BGP table version is 1802490, local router ID is, vrf id 0
Default local pref 100, local AS 6447
Status codes:  s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath,
               i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed
Nexthop codes: @NNN nexthop's vrf id, < announce-nh-self
Origin codes:  i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found

    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
N*                         0 3320 29670 21158 i
N*                                 0 57695 60068 174 34927 21158 i
N*                                 0 11039 6461 1299 34927 21158 i
N*                                 0 6830 34927 21158 i
N*                    0             0 3257 13237 34568 21158 i
N*                                 0 17350 1299 34927 21158 i
N*                                 0 17350 1299 34927 21158 i
N*                                  0 16552 1299 34927 21158 i
N*                                 0 6057 34927 21158 e
N*                                 0 398465 174 34927 21158 i
N*                   1             0 293 3320 29670 21158 i
N*                    0             0 6079 6830 34927 21158 i
N*                    0             0 19151 174 34927 21158 i
N*                                  0 8220 1299 34927 21158 i
N*                                 0 41095 1273 29670 21158 i
N*                7200             0 49544 34927 21158 i
N*                                  0 199524 1299 34927 21158 i
N*>                                 0 6939 21158 i
N*                                 0 40934 174 34927 21158 i
N*                14501             0 2914 5405 29670 21158 i

Displayed  1 routes and 19279764 total paths
route-views.eqix.routeviews.org> show bgp ipv6 regexp 21158_
BGP table version is 444373, local router ID is, vrf id 0
Default local pref 100, local AS 6447
Status codes:  s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath,
               i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed
Nexthop codes: @NNN nexthop's vrf id, < announce-nh-self
Origin codes:  i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found

    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
N*  2001:678:de0::/48
                                                           0 57695 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::ca9c:1dff:fee9:3c07
                                                           0 3320 6939 21158 i
N*                   2001:504:0:2::293:1
                                             1             0 293 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::aec:f5ff:fe57:45cc
                                             0             0 19151 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::4e6d:58ff:fe04:c568
                                         14501             0 2914 5405 29670 21158 i
N*                   2001:504:0:2::6939:1
                                                           0 11039 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::f27c:c7ff:feaf:5f85
                                             0             0 49544 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::4a5a:dff:fe45:e88a
                                                           0 16552 6939 21158 i
N*                   2001:504:0:2::6939:1
                                                           0 6057 6939 21158 e
N*                   2001:504:0:2::6939:1
                                                           0 8220 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::f6bf:a8ff:fe36:f9f3
                                                           0 17350 3356 30962 34568 21158 i
N*                   2001:504:0:2::6939:1
                                                           0 199524 6939 21158 i
N*>                  fe80::4288:2fff:febd:6c0b
                                                           0 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::a05:e2ff:fefc:101f
                                                           0 398465 6939 21158 i
N*                   fe80::222:83ff:fef4:efc0
                                                           0 6830 34927 21158 i
N*                   fe80::f6bf:a8ff:fe21:607
                                                           0 17350 2914 5405 29670 21158 i
N*                   fe80::cee1:9400:638c:c667
                                             0             0 3257 33891 34927 21158 i

Displayed  1 routes and 3565321 total paths